laure catugier
To explore the relationships between
space, image & sound
To question /
the occupation of space
the occupation of emptiness
the occupation of whiteness
To put oneself in an architect´s skin /
to mesure, draw, arrange, create, elevate,
To erect abstract forms that are /
spatially volumetric
acoustically volumetric
To play /
with the viewing angles: plan, elevation,
axonometric, and isometric projection
with the spatial orientation benchmarks XYZ
with the limits of the frame: ceiling, walls, floor
To investigate /
the cityscape
the sound landscape
the mental landscape
Coming from an architecture background my work is based on its codes that I misappropriate, with the aim of bringing a new focus on the norms of measurement.My practice consists mostly of photography, video, sculpture, and sound performance in which I experiment with the geometry in space.Echos in a space, shadows on a facade, melodies produced by construction elements: the resulting forms I obtain give shape to the immaterial.

r e s i d e n c i e s / g r a n t s
Winner of the residency grant at Palais des Paris in Takasaki, Japan, and of the residency program Element.a, received during the 67th edition of Jeune Creation in galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, Berlin
Winner of the Celeste Prize, category video, curated by Ellen Blumenstein
Residency grant, Kulturamt Linz, Salzamt, Austria
Residency grant, Kulturamt Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Germany
e x h i b i t i o n s (selection)
Things Get Heavy, Sonntag, Berlin (S)
Bedroom n°35, Hôtel des Beaux Arts de Toulouse, France
Soft Edges, Tête, Berlin
Mind the space, in the framework of Berlin Art Week Prize Award, Bar Babette & KUNSTPUNKT BERLIN (C)
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt exhibition, Studio 1 Bethanien, Berlin (C)
A Hard Place, Centraltrak gallery, Dallas, U.S.
Ultra Topos, FABRIKculture, Basel, Switzerland
Jeune Création 67° édition, Thaddeus Roppac, gallery Paris (C)
Kunstbrücken, Rosengarten, Forst (Lausitz), Germany (C)
Printemps de l´Art Contemporain, collaboration with Emmanuel Simon in Astérides residency, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
Celeste Prize, Bargehouse at OXO Warf Tower, London (C)
Hotel Europa, Concordia art center, Enschede, Netherlands
Neue Heimat, Weisser Elefant, Kommunale Galerie Mitte, Berlin
Volume, with Clémentine Rettig, Onomato Künstlerverein, Düsseldorf
Schlagschatten/Ombre Portée, Institut Français, Düsseldorf (S+C)
Found Footage, Fenster 61, Berlin (S)
Inordinate | Démesuré| Unmässig, Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf, Germany
Blank, Asia contemporary art platform Non-Berlin, Berlin
Blind Spot, Epicentro artspace, Berlin (S)
Wi(e)dersehen, Month of photography OFF Berlin, L´espace de l´espèce, Berlin (C)
Berlin Unlimited, Festival for art, architecture & urbanistics, Zentrum für Kunst & Urbanistik Berlin (C)
Cyclorama, Paolo Erbetta Gallery, Berlin (S)