camille le chatelier
sound design & sculpture
A practice, a technique and the materials’ properties are the starting points from which Camille Le Chatelier’s artistic reflection emerges. Constraints are a source of inspiration for the procedures that are deployed in the close examination of the forces that govern nature.
The artist responds to chaos and the world’s complexity with objects and installations, which translate an effort to organise, decrypt and reveal forgotten or invisible, physical and aesthetic phenomena. Her work awakens the senses to minor formal or sound variations, or to the imperceptible action of time. For Camille Le Chatelier, philosophical depth is not exclusively located within the elevated sphere of theory, but can also be found in matter and within the mechanic stimuli.
Jean-Charles Hameau, heritage conservator at the National museum Adrien Dubouché

De La Belle Ouvrage, solo show, Element.a, Paris
Export Ltd, Musée National Adrien Dubouché, Limoges
Catalectes, Galerie du CROUS, Paris
Transit, Espace du Bazaar, Shanghai, Chine
320 °, JCI, Jingdezhen, Chine
Erosions exp. personnelle, ENSBA Paris
BINGE #2 label NARWHAL, Batofar, Paris
Intermartché exposition collective in situ, Noiseau, (94)
Fat and curious, ENSBA Paris
Le remuement des choses exp. personnelle, ENSBA Paris
Collectes, Fonderie Darling, Montréal (Québec)
Nouvelle génération, Espace KPMG, La Défense
Jardin Ephémère, in situ – Saint-Ouen
La Maison Sellier, Cogolin (83)
Au-delà des clichés , Maison du Japon, Cîté universitaire